Horrible! Dont go here. They will mess your car up even worse than when you brought it in. Not only that but the parts they do replace probably wont even work. Had my water pump, thermostat and radiator hose replaced and my water pump was faulty twice, my radiator hose was faulty twice and the thermostat stuck after the first time they installed it. I originally took my truck in for overheating problems and they said these things would stop the overheating. The overheating only stopped temporarily, the parts they put in all failed at some point and had to be replaced, and now that everything is finally back to normal my truck is still overheating and they are trying to charge me an additional $1000 to replace my heater core. If i already paid $730 to get an overheating problem fixed and it never got fixed, and all the parts you put on my truck fail causing my truck to overheat even worse then originally, shouldnt i be compensated some how? They say no, its not there fault. Horrible customer service and horrible techs. DO NOT GO HERE!