BEWARE!! I had a wiper blade that was bent by a windshield replacement company so I brought my car to Service Street in Thornton to get it fixed. I got a call that both my wiper blades were bent and that Hyundai charges $200 per arm. Taking their word for it, I told them to go ahead and fix it. I took the broken wipers to the windshield replacement company to see if they would reimburse me any of the repair cost. Here is what the techs at the wind shield company found out. 1) Only the driver side wiper arm was bent. They were able to bend it back. (so now I have 2 working wiper arms laying around) 2) The wiper arm actually costs around $60 from Hyundai. Which was verified when they called the Hyundai parts department. 3) The windshield company called Service Street to confront the tech. The tech responded with "He OK'ed the estimate.." So not only did Service Street lie to me about the passenger side wiper arm was broken, but they also jacked up the price by 3 folds and lied to me by blaming Hyundai. To top it off, they could have just bent the arm back and not purchase new ones. Tried contacting them and never got a response back.